Friday, 27 July 2012

Five Top Coffee Grinders

#1 – Blade Grinder

There is a huge debate among coffee fanatics about the validity of a blade grinder. Many people say that using a blade grinder can negatively effect the flavor of your coffee and I would tend to agree with them. Mainly because of blade grinder’s grind consistency. When you are brewing coffee consistency in grind is really important. If a portion of your grind is off you can get an over or under extraction of the coffee which can both negatively impact the flavor of your coffee. We do however have an excellent tutorial for people that currently have a blade grinder or can’t afford to lay down the cash some of the more expensive grinders. The blade grinder that has been catching my eye lately is the Mr. Coffee Electric Coffee Grinder because of it’s overall consistency and Chamber Maid cleaning system.

#2 – Mill Grinder

We are taking it back to the ‘oldschool’ with this one. This is a hand crank grinder. Many coffee aficionados love this grinder and use it even to grind their espresso into fine powder. There are many choices when selecting a hand grinder but the highest reviewed and most respected one that I have seen has to be the Zassenhaus Manual Mill which is available in short supply on ebay and other sites. Mill grinders are also great to have on hand when the power goes out.

#3 – Burr Grinder

Ask almost any coffee connoisseur what kind of grinder you should get for everyday use and they will tell you to get a burr grinder. The overarching reason is it’s consistency over the other grinding methods and it’s ability to grind for anything from french press to espresso. I have been asked many times over the past few weeks which burr grinder I recommend.  The Capresso 560 Infinity for the quality and the price point is currently my favorite for the average coffee drinker looking to increase the enjoyment of their coffee ten-fold.

#4 – Espresso Grinder

If you have gotten to the point of selecting an espresso grinder you are taking this coffee thing really serious. The selection process of this type of grinder comes down to two key factors: 1) What is your price range? 2) What type of espresso machine do you have?
With these two factors in mind I am going to recommend the Rancilio Rocky because it is a great model at a great price that can get the job done for almost any moderately priced, high quality, home espresso machine.

#5 – Commercial Grinder

This one is for the pros. Commercial grinders are the cream of the crop in the coffee world and they have the price tag to prove it. If you have one of these in your home you are the ultimate coffee geek and you should hold your head high. For those of us that do not the burr grinder is going to be your best comparison to this grinder.
What type of grinder do you have at home? How often do you use it?

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